
Showing posts from June, 2024

All About App Service plan in Azure Portal by AzureTalks Umesh Pandit

An App Service plan in Azure is a service that defines a set of compute resources for web apps to run. It’s essentially a provisioning profile for an application host.  When you create an App Service plan in a certain region, Azure sets up a set of compute resources for that plan in that region. All the apps you put into this App Service plan run on these compute resources as defined by your App Service plan. Here’s how it works: Operating System: You can choose between Windows or Linux. Region: You select the region where your App Service plan will be hosted. VM Instances: The number of virtual machine instances available to you. VM Size: The size of the VM instances (Small, Medium, Large). Pricing Tier: There are various tiers like Free, Shared, Basic, Standard, Premium, PremiumV2, PremiumV3, Isolated, and IsolatedV2.  Each tier offers different features and performance levels. The pricing tier determines the features you get and how much you pay.  For example, the Prem...

New Microsoft Dataverse storage capacity under PPAC aka Power Platform a...

Microsoft has made significant updates to the storage capacity of Dataverse. Here are some key points: 1. Licenses for the new storage model : If you purchased storage in or after April 2019, or you have a mix of storage purchases made before and after April 2019, you'll see your storage capacity entitlement and usage by database, file, and log as it appears in the Microsoft Power Platform admin center¹. The licenses that provide capacity using the new storage model include: - Dataverse for Apps Database Capacity - Dataverse for Apps File Capacity - Dataverse for Apps Log Capacity 2. Verifying your new storage model : You can verify your new storage model by signing in to the Power Platform admin center, selecting an environment, and then selecting Resources > Capacity > Summary tab. Minimize image Edit image Delete image Minimize image Edit image Delete image 3. Capacity page details : The Summary page provides a tenant-level view of where your organization is us...