Custom URL for azure webapp with SSL

  • Domain Purchase: #PurchaseDomain - Buy a domain name from a registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap.

  • DNS Configuration: #ConfigureDNS - Set up DNS records (CNAME or A records) to point your domain to your Azure Web App.

  • SSL Certificate: #SSLSetup - Obtain an SSL certificate. You can either bring your own or use Azure's free certificate.

  • Azure Portal: #AzurePortal - Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to your Web App's settings.

  • Custom Domain Addition: #AddCustomDomain - Add your custom domain in the custom domains section of the Azure portal.

  • Verification: #VerifyDomain - Verify ownership of the custom domain through the verification process provided by Azure.

  • SSL Binding: #BindSSL - Bind the SSL certificate to your custom domain in the Azure portal.

  • Testing: #TestDomain - Test your custom domain to ensure it loads securely with the SSL certificate applied.

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